The Mystery Blogger Award Nomination

Thank you very much to The Cinematic Explorer for the Nomination! Bit of fun so here goes!

The Mystery Blogger Award was created by the wonderful Okoto Enigma, who I’m sure we can all agree can describe the award better in her own words, than I ever could, so without further ado:

“The “Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion”.


The Rules

Put the award logo/image on your blog
List the rules.
Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question
Share a link to your best post(s)

Three Things About Me:

  1. I’m a student of Art History at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where I write film reviews for the student newspaper, The Saint.
  2. When I was younger I made documentary films about my family – sometimes embarrassing, sometimes a joy to watch back now!
  3. I’m from Yorkshire in the North of England and am proud to be so! A good Yorkshire film? The Full MontyBilly LiarThe Railway Children…I could go on!

Who’s your all time favourite actor?

Until I started writing this answer I would’ve have no idea, but, having started typing, it’s occurred to me that of course my favourite actor is James Stewart! Rear WindowIt’s a Wonderful LifeVertigo…Stewart was the Tom Hanks of his day – ever reliable and always watchable! No wonder that he was named in the AFI’s top three Hollywood screen legends!

What’s your favourite type of film genre?

Cop out of an answer but I love films that mix genres and defy expectations in doing so. Take Elle, a recent example. Elle sits in a very slippery position in terms of its genre – part psychological rape-revenge thriller, part brilliantly funny satire. It’s a disturbing and uncomfortable watch but breathtakingly unpredictable!

Who’s your favourite Director and what’s their best film to date?

Classically, I’d probably have to say Hitchcock. In terms of working actors today however, it’s a hard pick between Martin Scorsese – Mean Streets for me! – and Alejandro González Iñárritu – until last year his best was Birdman for me, then he made The Revenant! The man’s a genius.

If you could see any film early (before its release date) this year, what would it be?

Beauty and the Beast, with Blade Runner 2049 a close second. My adoration for the original films of both these two is so inordinately high that I feel a strange sense of personal investment. I just don’t want to be disappointed, is that so much to ask?

Pirates or Wizards?

Wizards, no question. Easy. Come on: Gandalf, Dumbledore, Merlin…! I’m a Harry Potter fan through and through; Pirates of the Caribbean has been through some rocky waters of late, but Fantastic Beasts proved that the magicians’  have still got this in the bag.

I’m going to nominate:

Hammy Reviews

Cindy Bruchman

The Cinema Elite

Jordan and Eddie (The Movie Guys)

Keith Loves Movies

Plain, Simple Tom Reviews


Keith & the Movies



They’re all marvellous so do give them a look! I’d be fascinated to hear their answers to the following questions…

  1. Is there a remake/reboot of a film that you wish you could erase from history?
  2. If you could put any director and any actor together from any time in history for one film, who would they be?
  3. What was your favourite film of 1987? (Totally random one there!)
  4. Why do you write about film, or anything really?
  5. Which film should win Best Picture at the Oscars this weekend?

As for my favourite post? I’m particularly fond of the Silence review I did.


8 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award Nomination”

  1. Thanks a lot for the nomination! I already have done my Mystery Blogger Award, so I will try to answer your questions here.
    1. A lot actually. There were many pointless remakes made, Point Break (2015), for example.
    2. Tough. I’d probably pair Hitchcock with some well-known actor of today, Ralph Fiennes, for example, and let them make a stunning psychological thriller.
    3. Wings of Desire.
    4. I am passionate about all the things film, and I also like to share with other people the quirky and little-known details about films that I find.
    5. Well, since this is the Academy Awards, La La Land should win. I stopped seeing the Academy Awards as the competition for the best films in an objective, all encompassing sense. La La Land may not be the best film out there, but it is the “Academy Awards”‘ best film, that’s for sure.

    Liked by 2 people

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